Contract Review (Virtual Training)

Introduction to
Contract Review

Construction Contracts are well-known for their complexity and disputes. Unquestionably, a poorly drafted or reviewed contract is one of the major reasons for the dispute. Once the dispute is triggered between the parties to the Contract, it is going to bring additional cost and time to resolve the dispute. This would further severely damage the business relationship between the parties. Therefore, as a lesson learned, the Conditions of the Contract must be reviewed deeply and accurately before signing them. Always Prevention is Better Than Cure.

Duration – 2 Days Workshop (During Weekend).

Most Beneficial For

Benefits of the Programme

Know how to effectively and efficiently read and review contracts.

Understand the rights and obligations imposed under your contract.

Understand the important elements of a valid contract. Draft and amend contract provisions containing the essential elements of contracts.

Meaningfully Review, comment on and discuss contract provisions of your contract and negotiate the terms and conditions effectively for mutual benefit.

Identify the legal issues associated with your contract and effectively mitigate them.

Know the appropriate contract terminology to use in a contract.

Identify the contractual risks and either negotiate them to reduce/avoid risk premium or price the risk mitigation, which could avoid losses and maximise profit for your employer.

Effectively manage, monitor and review contract performance which could improve the performance of your contract administration

What You Learn

  • Introduction to “Contract Review”
  • Introduction of the different forms of Contract
  • Elements of Contracts
  • Rights and Obligations
  • How to review a Contract
    • Mandatory Check
    • Boilerplate Clause Check
  • Identify Risks within the Contract
  • How the Construction Claims arise due to poorly drafted/reviewed contract
    • Delayed or Wrongful Withholding of Payment
    • Wrongful Termination
    • Ex-gratia claims
    • Contractual claims
    • Extra Contractual Claims/Common Law Claims
    • Consequential Loss Claim
  • Unfair Contract Terms
  • Appropriate Contract terminology
  • Contract negotiation
  • Draft and amend Contract provisions
  • Q&A